The Plan

I have always loved travel. And it has been a lifelong dream of mine to visit Europe and Australia. After four years of university and finally unchained from it, the time has finally come for me to see the world and find myself.  With my full-time gig starting on June 25th, I have exactly two months to plan out everything I wanted to do, but haven’t had the chance to do so… until now.

Flyer Talk has been a great community where I have learned so much from, so its time to give back! This trip will be filled with Cruise, Hotel and Airline reviews (duh!)

Here’s how it’s going to work: The idea is that daily post will be created to provide pictures, video or written updates of what has happened and what’s going that day. The blog can either be written live as the day goes on or be delayed due to various reasons. If you are a hardcore FTers who just want to read detailed flight reports, don’t worry, they will be posted separately.

You can follow my trip by sub to email updates, or just read my incoherent ramblings in the Aeroplan Forum.

The travel plan is basically split down into three main sections: 

    United Kingdom, Spain, France, Denmark
  • SECTION II: China
    Shanghai, Changsha, Chifeng, Tianjin
    Sydney, Cairns, Melbourne

I have also created a detailed Google Map that you are able to review.




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